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Cleaning Nature
 The Prince William County Green Business Council engages businesses with local government, peers, civic and environmental organizations. Our goal is to inform and educate members on sustainability best-practices resulting in environmental responsibility and locally-informed community action. 

I'm an advocate for change. I am an agent of change. I am an environmentalist and I am a student of the environment. I am still learning how to care for the natural world around me but what I know for certain is that if we (as a whole) sustain our earth, it will sustain us for generations to come.


The responsibility for environmental sustainability belongs to us all. Those who possess the knowledge, resources and wherewithal to effect real change in our environment own the responsibility of sharing those things with others, in order to facilitate opportunities and action, but moreover to advocate for and implement that same change. 


Started in 2022 with a need to bring together one of our County's most abundant resources, the Prince William County Green Business Council (PWCGBC) has become a collective of companies- employers and employees, stakeholders and sponsors, residents and neighborhood volunteers- who come together, aligned with the single mission of taking action to positively influence the impacts to Prince William County's environment. We accomplish this in two ways: by creating a business community engaged in the work of sustainability at the macro and micro levels and through locally-informed action.


I would like to extend a personal invitation to every business in our County to join with us. "Many hands make for light work," very succinctly underscores the fact that separately we can make an impact, but together we will create significant and measurable change. By joining us, you help us champion the cause of a more vibrant, economically sound, environmentally healthy Prince William County. 


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Connect with me:
Connect with:
Leslie Guevara-
Membership Coordinator

Jaden Fleshman-

Outreach Coordinator
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Rico M Fleshman



The Prince William County Green Business Council is a collective of businesses powered by Keep Prince William Beautiful. KPWB is a 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization, established in 1982, that serves Prince William County through partnering with residents, businesses, and government to educate and inspire people to be environmental stewards and keep Prince William beautiful. KPWB is a Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and Keep Virginia Beautiful (KVB) affiliate. 
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